Stephanie's Photos

Friday, January 4, 2008

Years are flying by....

Well, this morning was a peaceful morning, had my quiet time, picked up my room, got on the computer, did some stuff to prepare for my classes and then went to Starbuck's to meet some girls for a surprise birthday for a sweet precious friend. She was soooo surprised! :) We all ordered our drinks and just chatted. I enjoyed my regular soy chai with hazelnut and even grabbed a piece of pumpkin bread to go along with my hot concoction! Oh goodness, I love chilly windy weather and a nice cup of hot tea! :) It's funny, every birthday is just a reminder to me of how life will keep moving on...days go by...time ticks away...sun rises....sun sets.....years chug on by...

A quote I've been pondering is this, "If you want to make God laugh, just tell Him your plans..." That quote is so simple, but yet so profound. The other day, I was talking to a friend of mine and we were sharing how the years are literally flying by...I told her I felt old...she looked at me and laughed, "Girl, you're just a baby!" Okay, yeh, I'm 19...but's trials and difficult seasons can sure take its toll...they grow you if you let them... :) It's interesting, all those tear filled nights and prayer times when all you could say to God was, "Why?", those are the times that make me love life even more. It makes life seem so much more sweet. Rich. And exciting. Because I know His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness! All things work together for those who love Him! This year is definitely a year of new beginnings! There must always be a winter before there can be a spring! :) Here are some snapshots from this afternoon!

~Stephie Girl

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